Fastest growing lead intake form

The Form Drives Sales from Custom Needs

Our dynamic form asks personalized questions based on your business scope and customer needs, enhancing user engagement and driving conversions.
Processed leads per month
Increased conversion rate
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Create Your Customform

Get Started in Just 5 Seconds

Share this powerful tool across your social media and email to better understand your customers' unique needs.
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Improve Your Custom Form

Train Your AI to ask the right questions to the right customers

Training a Customform is effortlessly simple
Business Profile Training

Upload your website URL, business documents, and text to tailor AI interactions based on your specific business profile.

Instruction-Based Training

Directly guide the AI to focus on key areas that matter most to your business, ensuring precise customer interactions.

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Frictionless Form Filling

Generate More Leads

Utilize AI to create dynamic forms that adapt to user responses, improving engagement and lead generation.
AI Auto-Fill

Our AI suggests answers to reduce user effort and increase form completion rates, enhancing lead generation efficiency.

Intuitive Shortcuts

Use 'Enter' for the next question and numbers 1-9 for option selection, making form navigation faster and easier.

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Same Form Different Questions

Increase Your Sale Conversion Rate

One Form, Varied Questions